Site icon At Fran's Table

Working Hard at Life

You probably said, “Hey, Friday came and went,  Fran should have posted her blog, only to find nothing. If you’re like my old boss at Warner Lambert, Jim Bair, you’re probably saying, “Fran, you either have it done, or you have an excuse, and if you have an excuse, I don’t want to hear it.” The good news is, Jim (mostly) broke me of that bad habit with that very effective saying. I’m grateful to him every day because he taught me discipline is very important, and gave me a nifty saying I was able to torment my own kids with. One of these days I’ll track him down and thank him personally.

He was also one of the first people to look at me as I was pretending to play the keyboard on the dashboard of my company car and say, “You’re nuts, you should be in radio.” He was right, I loved being on the radio, it was perfect for me.

In the meantime, I have an excuse — sorry Jim. I’ll explain what I’m doing instead of writing.  I’m revamping this site, so that you, my sweet readers, can access recipes more easily. Many of you have said it’s difficult to find recipes because they all start with stories, and I agree. I can’t expect you to remember what wild tangent I went off on before I got to banana bread. (Ellen Degeneres is the wild tangent.)

Currently, all you have to do is go to the search bar and type in what you’re looking for and it will pop up. But, I want to make it even easier and list recipes under easy to find categories. I’ll also have them on cards so you can just click on the card and the recipe easily prints, with or without the photos.

But to do that, I have to go back and put every recipe I’ve blogged about for the past two and a half years into a different format and that takes time. I also almost have my recording system back up and running, so I will be able to record my blog posts again.  (Had to buy a new computer and get new software, which I’m still figuring out because technology makes my head pound.) Plus, I do work four jobs, so things get a little hectic. When this is all done, I plan to drink an entire bottle of Prosecco.

So, in lieu of a new blog post, I’m re-posting an old favorite one about chin hairs and my mother. It’s called, “Pluck Em Oud!”  Just click on that pink-ish purple hyperlink and the magic of the internet will connect you.

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