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Happy Fourth of July! Start it with Crepes!

I wish I could go back to childhood to see how much time (and my faulty memory) have altered what I think I recall clearly. My Fourth of July memories revolve around picnics at Brady’s Run Park, on slightly damp summer grass.

Mom in her glory on her birthday. If you could see into those plants behind her, I’ll bet you’d find at least two tiny American flags.

The only food I remember is the Fourth of July birthday cake with tiny American flags on it because the Fourth was my mom’s birthday, and if there was no cake with tiny red, white and blue flags, there was hell to pay.

After singing a rousing Happy Birthday to Mom, we’d return home and put away leftovers. My mother planted the tiny flags all around the house — like we were colonizing the place — one in front of the Jesus shrine, some in plants, or on the kitchen window sill — then we’d head out again to the local drive-in to see our annual movie.

We only went to the movies once a year, because my parents were pretty frugal, but on the Fourth of July, because mom loved movies and fireworks –we got to enjoy both.

I remember the cheesy advertisements for the snack bar crackling to life over the tinny
metal speaker perched on Dad’s window, enticing my sister and I to beg Dad for money, then run off for cokes or popcorn. We’d come back to fireworks blasting across the sky.

I wish I could do it again. Be in that backseat and hear my mom’s loud, hearty laugh and feel her presence just once more. How great it would be to feel that carefree, happy childhood I totally took for granted.

But, I’m now older than my parents were in my memories, which is pretty weird because inside I feel like the same kid in that car, except now I’m always thinking about food.

This week it’s a fantastic recipe for crepe wrapped spinach and mushrooms, topped with an over-easy egg. The egg drips down into the vegetables and it’s killer good. I just had it last week at a local restaurant called Cafe Montrose, and I thought — Wow, I could make this. So I did, and it was every bit as good as theirs! It takes a bit of preparation, but it’s totally worth it!

So, this Fourth of July weekend, get up a little early and surprise the family with some Mushroom Spinach Crepes topped with a Fried Egg. Or fill them with whatever veggie you love. Or you can just make crepes and fill them with fruit and sprinkle them with powdered sugar and a dollop of whipped cream, or spread them with peanut butter and jelly, like my daughter did.

And if you want, you can put little flags on them! Happy Fourth of July! And Happy Birthday Mom!

Mushroom and Spinach Crepe Topped with a Fried Egg

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