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About Fran

The Tunno Family at Thanksgiving circa 1980 (I think).

Hi, I’m Fran Tunno, also known as Franzy (my mom’s pet name for me). I am a first generation Italian American and the woman in the above photo to the left of my parents at the head of the table. (That was quite a few years ago.)

I was raised to live within 50 feet of my parents, become a school teacher, stay married forever, take care of everyone else first, be a good Catholic, and remain a virgin until death or marriage.

Disappointment was inevitable.

I am now a divorcee writer, copywriter, former radio personality, and voice actress who’s just moved back to the Pittsburgh area after living in Los Angeles for 40 years. I have two twenty-something kids living across the country, and one forty-something in Chicago. I miss them all daily. I have a geriatric Corgi, a small apartment and a close-knit family who are probably now sick of me because I’m always around.

I spend a lot of time cooking, baking, blogging, and, when I have time, inviting people over so I can feed them. I walk a few miles every day, watch far too many English period pieces and romantic comedies, and love getting lost in a good book.

I think we’ve all seen that life can be ridiculously hard. Sometimes you just need an oasis where there’s food, laughter, and alcoholic beverages.

You’ll have to supply the alcohol, but you’ll get the occasional deep thought, reflections on what it’s like to be back home now, and recipes with drool-worthy pictures. There’s usually a laugh, which may be enough to distract you before you run off with the cable installer. Or not — depends on the cable installer.

Mom checking to make sure you’re eating enough.

So, any time life has beaten the crap out of you, sit down, relax and read a blog post or two. Hopefully, you’ll laugh, think, remember family, or be inspired to cook. Plus, you’ll benefit from my mom’s sage advice like: “Fart while you can because once you get married, it’s too late.”

(Clearly, if you’re very thin skinned, this may not be the place for you.) If you’re the child or grandchild of an immigrant, (Italian or not) you’ll probably read my stories and go, “Oh my God, Yes!  Her mom is just like my: aunt, grandma, mother-in-law.”

My “Mom’ stories are some of my favorites. I’m currently working on a book about her, which I hope you’ll enjoy. She was the source of my best material and the reason I’m such an annoying optimist.

Here are links to a few of my most popular mom stories: Bob Barker, Chicken Soup or Exlax, How My Italian Mom Weeded Out Prospective Suitors,  Tang God For Patty – A Thanksgiving Story, Curse Words Never Sound as Bad in Italian, and finally, Six Simple Words That Can End Your Life.

Years ago, I realized I was given her because I was meant to share her stories and give people a good laugh. Here’s what some of my readers have to say (and no, I did not pay them, but probably should):

Food has always been a huge part of my life. It’s the cement that’s kept Italian families together for centuries, and is the bonding element in most cultures. So, no matter where you’re from, you can probably relate.

If a story has moved you, or made you spit coffee across the breakfast table, please feel free to comment and become a follower.  I’ll talk food and life with you any time. Thanks for stopping by!

All work on this sight is copyrighted and cannot be reprinted without express and written consent from Fran Tunno.  ©Fran Tunno and, 2014.   If you want to use something, please ask first, OK?  

Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Fran Tunno and, with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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