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If Ever There Was a Time for Comfort Food…

Generally, one thing is usually enough to stress us out. A pandemic would have been plenty with the fear, sickness and death it’s brought. But combine that with job losses, kids trying to learn at home, political upheaval, no outings, throw in the darkness and the chill of winter and it just gets to be too much.

We’re all on overload and when things get tough, much like my mom, I turn to food.

Is this healthy? Well, it’s better than gambling or prostitution, and I’m alternating it with walking so much my sneakers are almost treadless, so I’ve convinced myself I’m OK.

I’m aided in this by relatives and friends who love to talk food with me. And I’m surrounded by great cooks like my kids, brothers, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces-in-law and countless friends.

My sister-in-law, Donna has given me a few of my favorite, most requested dessert recipes, including carrot cake and cheesecake, Danish pastry puffs and the famous New Year Pork and Sauerkraut. Sister-in-law Patty has given me her Russian Teacake recipe and is famous for what her kids call crack bread (Zucchini Bread with Chocolate Chips). But one of Patty’s claims to fame are her comfort meals like Ham, Potatoes, and Cabbage, and if ever there was a time for comfort food, it’s now.

Patty is a nice Polish girl from Cleveland and always says, “Oh it’s nothing fancy,” but that’s the beauty of this dish. Sometimes the best recipes are simple, but delicious combinations of our favorite foods. How can you go wrong with ham, potatoes and cabbage?

I’m praying cool heads prevail and next week witnesses the peaceful transition of power that’s always made the United States a country to be proud of, and one other countries want to emulate.

In the meantime, let’s celebrate all the things we love about each other and set aside our disagreements. And when things get tough, go for a long walk and appreciate nature, then come home and make Ham, Cabbage and Potatoes. I guarantee you’ll feel better.

Ham, Potatoes and Cabbage

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