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Vegan Vegetarian

A Little Va-Voom in the Kitchen!

October 3, 2023

Who knew that one little change can take an ordinary vegetable like cauliflower from tasty to killer good? Apparently, my daughter did. She learns this stuff from other people’s food blogs and then tells me. The woman she currently likes is Carla Lalli Music and I can see why, she’s a great cook. At least I know my daughter got started on this food journey because of me,…

Random Thoughts

Farewell Bob Barker

August 28, 2023

My mom’s handsome hero, Bob Barker passed away over the weekend. Someone posted that he lived as close to 100 without going over, which is dark, Price is Right humor. I think Mr. Barker would have probably chuckled at that. Thank you to all my friends who said they were thinking of me and my mom. I know I’ve posted, “Da Holy Hour,” many times now, but in…

Random Thoughts

It’s Come to This…

August 19, 2023

Today, I sanded and painted like a madwoman. I have been doing this for months now because I moved into a condo that needed some work. I’ve painted five hardwood doors, first sanding them thoroughly, then putting four coats of paint on each side. That meant I also had to sand and paint each door frame. I just finished painting my living room and have now painted every…

Baking Breads Random Thoughts

James Beard, I Am Not

July 29, 2023

People can be so picky. They love you and your zucchini bread one day, the next, they want to kill you because your recipe left zucchini bread drippings all over their oven. So, clearly I will not be getting the James Beard award for excellence, but it’s not my fault. My mom was one of those seat-of-your-pants cooks. She just slapped stuff together and it tasted great, pretty…

Books to Check Out! Books! Random Thoughts

Going to Italy?

July 21, 2023

Is it me, or does it seem like everyone is going on fabulous vacations except me? They are? I knew it! I cannot go this year because I am in the throes of painting every square inch of this condo, (including doors-yuck) like the maniac that I clearly am. Note to self, Next time, hire a painter! But I’m passing valuable information on to any of you lucky…

Random Thoughts

Time to Spring From My Hiatus

March 22, 2023

OK, so clearly I am not the world’s most consistent blogger. But a lot happened in the last three months. A death in our family made writing happily about life impossible. My god-son and nephew, Marc Tunno, was killed in a car accident. He was funny, irreverent, and lived life on his own terms. He was only 48-years-old. His untimely death left us feeling gut-punched and incredibly sad…

Holidays Random Thoughts

Is Contentment Possible in 2023?

December 28, 2022

“Mary, Mary, Wake up, it’s Christmas!” I remember my eyes popping open and excitedly saying those words to my sleeping sister on Christmas morning of 1961, the best Christmas of my young life. Out in the living room sat wrapped packages and two large cardboard boxes that must have been too big to wrap…one was for me, one for my sister. Inside each box was a walking doll,…