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Random Thoughts

Loving Lois

July 3, 2016
Lolo cropped

Lois more than 10 years ago when life was easier.

Lois is in the hospital again.  She was my mother-in-law for 22 years and just turned 98-years-old. I feel bad because I should have gone to see her a few weeks ago when I had a free weekend day, but stayed home to get things done instead.

My guilt is overwhelming because she is not only sick, but in desperate need of a haircut and won’t get one unless it’s free, or cheap. (Mine are free). I’m sure she’s starting to look like George Harrison on the cover of All Things Must Pass.

She is a fine, white, Anglo Saxon of a woman, who couldn’t have been more opposite my mom, but that’s always been part of her stoic, penny-pinching charm.

Coming from such different backgrounds, I wondered if we would click. The first time I met her she was laughing over a funny greeting card, something my mom hardly ever did because of the language barrier, and I thought, “She’s cool.” She loved traveling and showed me photos of Ireland, where she’d just traveled. She had a razor sharp memory, a great sense of humor, and still remembers names better than I ever will.

However, Lois’ idea of a meal took years to get used to. While my family regularly enjoyed enough food to feed  an entire suburb, this woman could stretch a thin casserole, a small salad and one artichoke into a dinner she was convinced would feed six people.

The casserole, salad and one-artichoke extravaganza left me stunned. I called my mom afterward and told her how we passed the artichoke around and everyone took a few leaves. My Mom, who never made less than a dozen or more artichokes for a meal, kept asking over and over again, “You meanna alla yunz hadda wazza da one ardachoke? Anna you passed it around a?” After I reassured her for the 5th time that I wasn’t kidding, she said, “Dattsa som ting!”

Lois never liked cooking and only did it to survive. Plus, entertaining takes money, which she was loathe to spend.  She blamed it on her Scotch-Irish blood, and regularly scolded us if we ever showed up with an empty bag from Burger King, or coffee cups from Starbucks.

But she had to be thrifty. Lois was in her early 50’s when her husband came home from work one day and had a nervous breakdown after losing his job. He was institutionalized for two years, so she took a secretarial job to make ends meet.  She was thrilled she found a job making enough to support her family. She seemed to thrive on seeing how little she could get by on — maybe  a remnant of living through the Great Depression. She had that “Greatest Generation,” mentality that whatever life handed you, you just dealt with it and moved on.

It served her well because Lolo had plenty of heartbreak. When her first son was born, in the late ’40s, the forceps delivery left him severely mentally retarded. He was seven-years-old, when Lois found herself with an active infant and a three year-old, and had to make the gut-wrenching decision to have her oldest son institutionalized.

Lois, her husband, and their two kids drove the three hours to see him – first every week, then every month for years. As she got older she couldn’t go as often, so sometimes we’d take her.

I saw how tenderly she looked at her graying, wheelchair-bound son, as she patted his arm or smoothed his hair. He could only sit there, peeking out at us from under shaggy eyebrows, possibly wondering who we were.

The pain and sadness on her face was visible. But she was never tearful, just relentlessly practical and grateful. She’d say, “They take such good care of him here, we could never have done as well at home.” At Christmas, she sent See’s Candy for the caretakers, and boxes of Thrift shop finds for all the kids in the institution.

Lois and Brandon

Lois and unspoiled Brandon, in front of one of Brandon’s early sculptures.

A good thrift store was heaven for Lois. When we were first married, she’d go thrifting, see things that looked like a bargain for a quarter or fifty cents, and buy them for us. She had a pretty good eye and came up with some great outfits, and some serious stinkers. If I didn’t take everything, she’d look at me and say, “Really, you don’t want this? Look, it’s Ralph Lauren!” So I learned to take them all and “re-gift” what I didn’t want to the thrift store nearest me. My step-son, Brandon still loves a good thrift store because of her.

At Christmas, when other grandparents spoil their grandchildren with lots of expensive gifts, Lois would send us a check for each of the kids. Then wrap small gifts, like a can of Spam or pineapple, along with some small toy, and put them in the kids stockings. We always made them smile and say thank you, even though they were convinced they were horribly deprived. It was a nice opportunity to teach my kids that not everyone is rich. Some people give what they can, so you have to appreciate the thoughtfulness.

Lolo and kids

Lois, probably 16 years ago with two of her three unspoiled grandchildren.


When the packages were unwrapped, she would take back any salvageable wrapping and ribbon and use it again. If we teased her about it, she’d say, “You kids waste too much.” Now I find myself doing the same thing.

Coupons were a special treasure for Lois. She clipped them and used them any time she shopped. We were at a grocery store when she was in her early 90s and the clerk had missed one coupon, so Lois corrected her on the amount that was due. The girl kind of rolled her eyes, assuming this old lady was wrong, but Lois was relentless and when the girl went back and checked, she realized she’d been incorrect. The girl, apologized and told Lois she was really sharp. Lois replied, “I have to be.”

Yet, Lois never failed to generously help her sons when they needed it. Whatever she didn’t spend on herself, she would give, if it helped them and their families.

She still loves to talk, and if you get her going on something from her childhood, she’ll tell you every detail, although she sometimes mispronounces words, or uses them incorrectly. Once, we told her we were stopping at Starbucks for a treat, and asked if she wanted anything.  She said, “Yeah, I’d like a Chihuahua.” The kids and I were in hysterics in the backseat over her confusing a cappuccino with a chihuahua, but she took it in stride, laughing at her own mistake.

Lois isn’t the huggy, kissy type my mom was. She tolerates hugs and blows air kisses as you say hello or goodbye and would rather talk to you about her family’s genealogy than deal with feelings. And now that she’s older, she hardly reads or watches TV anymore. But as she quietly lives out her remaining years, I hope she’s comfortable, happy, and knows that someone noticed and appreciated her sacrifices over the years. I learned, not only to love Lois, but to respect her for courageously doing what she had to do.

I just hope she gets better soon, so I can give her that damned haircut.






  • Reply
    Donna Tunno
    July 9, 2016 at 5:05 am

    Lois and your mother were complete opposites, but you always respected and admired her for her special qualities. Once you got over the trauma of the “one artichoke”, you appreciated her grit, her strength and her love of her children and grandchildren. She’s a good woman. Nice story.

  • Reply
    July 8, 2016 at 1:57 pm

    What a lovely tribute to Lois. My mom’s side of the family is Polish and they feed armies like the Italians, but my dad’s mother was of the stoic “stingy” variety. Nonetheless, noble and loving in her way. Lois certainly is to be admired and you are a good daughter-in-law (still) to write about her so fondly.

  • Reply
    Monica Muehsam
    July 4, 2016 at 9:32 am

    What a touching tribute, Fran- I see a lot of similarities between Lois and Ginny, Dave’s mom. Ginny was also Scotch-Irish and would also wrap cans of food for my kids for Xmas! I hope you get to give her a haircut real soon 🙂

    • Reply
      Fran Tunno
      July 4, 2016 at 11:01 am

      Thanks Monica, I hope so too. I had no idea Dave’s mom was Scotch-Irish. They have a great sense of humor – must be where Davey got his. Thanks for reading and for taking the time to comment! oxoxo. Wish you were here, I’d ask you to fix me a drink! People check out Monica’s blog- Awesome drink recipes and stories!

  • Reply
    Mary J Tunno
    July 4, 2016 at 7:59 am

    Great story. She certainly has lived a long life and not too worse for wear. Plus, hair looking like George Harrison’s can’t be all bad. Besides being a talented singer/songwriter, (and Beatle) he had a “Great” head of hair!! Glad I helped with your Cosmetology skills and I hope Lois gets better. You are to be appreciated. And the “chihuahua/cappuccino story totally cracked me up!!

    • Reply
      Fran Tunno
      July 4, 2016 at 9:33 am

      I think the hair looked better on George than Lois. And, yes, I watched you cut hair and that’s where I learned to do it (not well, of course, but well enough). Thanks for always reading and commenting. Happy Fort of July!

  • Reply
    July 3, 2016 at 11:47 pm

    I laughed out loud. The first time my late husband ate with my family my mom served a salad for all five of us in a cereal/soup bowl, he was speechless. We laughed about it many times over the years. She was part of the same generation as Lois and she was Danish/Scot/Irish.

    • Reply
      Fran Tunno
      July 4, 2016 at 9:31 am

      I love it! That is too funny! Who knew Lois could be outdone? I would go home after dinner and eat again! Thanks for reading and taking the time to write! xoxox

  • Reply
    Bob Erbeck
    July 3, 2016 at 10:18 pm

    Lois sounds like quite a lady! The first picture reminds me a lot of my aunt, who died a few years ago. I will pray that she improves and returns home soon and that she will eventually get that over-due haircut. 🙂

  • Reply
    July 3, 2016 at 10:18 pm

    Hope she does OK>

    From: At Frans Table To: Sent: Monday, July 4, 2016 12:39 AM Subject: [New post] Loving Lois #yiv9679891781 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv9679891781 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv9679891781 a.yiv9679891781primaryactionlink:link, #yiv9679891781 a.yiv9679891781primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv9679891781 a.yiv9679891781primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv9679891781 a.yiv9679891781primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv9679891781 | Fran Tunno posted: “Lois is in the hospital again.  She’s my ex-mother-in-law, who just turned 98-years-old. I feel bad because I should have gone to see her a few weeks ago when I had a free weekend day, but stayed home to get things done instead. My guilt is ove” | |

    • Reply
      Fran Tunno
      July 4, 2016 at 9:29 am

      Thanks Bern, yeah I hope she recovers quickly! She’s a good lady.

  • Reply
    Irena Schulz
    July 3, 2016 at 9:43 pm

    I so enjoy reading all your posts! 🙂

    • Reply
      Fran Tunno
      July 3, 2016 at 10:01 pm

      Thank you Irena so much for reading and for taking the time to comment! I will get a new computer soon and go back to recording them. My old computer broke!

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